Is Network Marketing also called Multi-level Marketing (MLM) a scam?
People are always step-away to avoid this kind of things present in their life.
My personal opinion is, differnt people have different thoughts towards a network marketing business. I suspect that it is just a marketing structure usedd by some companies as part of thier overall marketing strategy.
Fraud means illegally in order to make money. It cant be denied that some companies are running the business with illegal way. But how about other companies which are legitmate to run a business with MLM?
MLM is an efficient distribution model based on relationship selling and is used by even big insurance company like Prudential and AIG.

High incentive may be an element made many people do not believe or trust.On the other hand, you never do never know how it is really doing in the business industry. I believed that due some research that I had done about why scam is used to some company. The reason is just very simple, scam because they(associated) are just to be engaged to recruit more friends to become their downline without distribution any product and pay them commissions. That is a sure refer as a pyramid schemes.
We always say that "there is no free lunch in the world". So, I think there is no way to judge they are cheating people's money. If there really a way to get rich in a very fast way and it do not require any effort. Why do still many people are in suffer of financial problem? They can join the company and take a sit in the garden then wait $money$ fall like raining from the sky??? Lol..